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  • Category:Waterborne polyurethane resin
  • Solid content:40±1
  • Appearance:半透明乳液
  • Viscosity:200±100

Product Details

ADL .-2002
ADL-2002 is a water-based polyurethane ink resin
Product features:
1. Good dispersibility for pigments and good color development.
2. Good adhesion to PET, PE, NY, and adhesion to BOPP film after being cured for 24 hours.
3. It has good misibility with ethanol and isopropanol, and has the characteristics of excellent resolubility and  fast machine speed.
4. With reasonable ink formula compatiblity, it can be made into boiled or steamed ink.

Product use:
Plastic film printing (PET, BOPP, PE, NY) lining and surface printing inks and surface coatings, etc.

Keep in storage:
Store at 5-40° C and protect from light.

Package specification:
50kg plastic bucket, lined with two layers of plastic PE bags, IBC ton barrel.

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