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position: Home > Waterborne polyurethane resin > Waterborne polyurethane resin detail


  • Category:Waterborne polyurethane resin
  • Solid content:40+1
  • Appearance:半透明乳液
  • Viscosity:100-500

Product Details


This product is a self crosslinking curing waterborne polyurethane lotion synthesized by self emulsification method.

Product features:

1. The fim of this product is fast, dry and transparent.
2. It has higher surface hardness after self-crosslinking curing, and higher hardness after heating curing.
3. Good water resistance (no whitening after 24 hours), good acid, alkali and ion resistance (no change after 24 hours immersion).
4. The special side chain structure gives the dispersion effect to the pigment.
5. It can well mask the leakage of DOP in PVC.

Product use:
1. As a water-based ink resin, it can be widely used in the printing of PET BOPP PVC PE and other materials;
2. As a resin for water-based paint, it can be applied to wood paint, metal paint, toy paint, etc;
3. It can also be used for ink-jet printing coating on the surface of film materials.

Keep in storage:
Store in dark at room temperature.Package specification:

50KG/barrel (lined with PE bag).
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