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  • Category:Special sold resin
  • Solid content:100
  • Appearance:浅黄色适明题粒
  • Viscosity:

Product Details

This product is a modified polyurethane solid resin, which is mainly synthesized step by step through chemical processes such as condensation, grafting, and chain extension.

Product features:
1. Larger molecular weight (number average molecular weight is about 80,000).
2. Strong intramolecular cohesion.
3. It has excellent adhesion, rust resistance, oil resistance and impact resistance, and high hardness.
4. Quick-drying, 100% solid.

Product use:
1. As an industrial primer, varnish, car repair primer, etc.
2. As a surface printing and gravure printing ink resin, it replaces the popular ester-soluble polyurethane resin. The characteristics are as fllows:
a. It can be completely soluble in ester (such as propyl acetate)
b. Excellent adhesion, universal for BOPP, PET, NY, etc.
C, hot water
d. Excellent cost performance

Keep in storage:
Store at room temperature away from light.
Package specification:
25KG bag.

The above data are obtained by the Research Institute of our company. Please contact the application  engineer of our company for the reference formula. Please do a good job of relevant perfrmance data and data test before use. The above text is not used as any legal evidence.